Walking 11/98 Paralyzed 2/99

This Hardware was in my back for 6 years.  The doctors took everything out without cutting or bending the metal.



I have been asked where exactly I am paralyzed. 

This Photo spread shows you.

Check it out: it's amazing to see how paralysis divides the body in half.


Robert Lynn

All his life, Robert has faced challenges; from a drug-addicted step-father, to becoming homeless at 8, living on his own at 15, getting shot point blank in the throat at 17 and becoming paralyzed in this early 20's.  One thing that Robert has never done is give up.  When asked how he gets through the adversity his answer is, "a person can make any experience a bad one if they dwell on it long enough.  I take the positive out of each problem and move on." 

Robert became paralyzed from just below the chest down as a result of a snowboarding accident February, 1999.  Since his recovery, he has been an inspiration to many people.  Now, In his 40's he's highly active in both recreational and competitive sports.  Robert plays on several competitive teams; He is currently the General Manager and team member of  the Colorado Rollin Rockies softball team.  He is also on the Rolling Nuggets basketball team, and the program coordinator and team member of the Rolling Broncos football team.  Some of his favorite recreational sports include Handcycling, Wakeboarding, and Mountain biking.  To date, His hardest race was the Ultra Challenge in Alaska.   The first day of the race he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder that wouldn't go away.  Rather than succumbing to the pain Robert road on.  After completing the race he found out that he'd bent the top of two titanium rods in his upper back that needed to be surgically removed. 

Robert's focus and determination to promote wheelchair sporting activities is evident in the quality and quantity of wheelchair sports available in the greater Denver area.  Robert contributions - both as a participant but even more importantly, as a coordinator of various sports such as wheelchair softball and wheelchair football.  He has enabled dozens of Coloradans with physical disabilities to actively participate in team sports. 

As an athlete, Robert's determination has helped him be all the he can be.  He is truly a gifted athlete and his talent shines brightest in the fact that he cares more about affording opportunities for others than his own personal success.  Robert is a selfless individual who is always the first person to volunteer his time in helping out wherever he can.  When asked about his own accomplishments, Robert is an individual who gives credit to others and empowers others around him to be all that they can be.


Robert is a leader by example, a "roll" model and selfless individual.   Robert is known as being an inspiration and motivation while empowering people in everyday life.